IVR Solutions
This section of our technical library presents information and documentation relating to IVR Development and custom IVR software and products.
Business phone systems and toll free answering systems (generally 800 numbers and their equivalent) are very popular for service and sales organizations, allowing customers and prospects to call your organization anywhere in the country.
The PACER and WIZARD IVR System is just one of many DSC call center phone system features..
What is IVR Software?. An Interactive Voice Response (IVR) processes inbound phone calls, plays recorded messages including information extracted from databases and the internet, and potentially routes calls to either inhouse service agents or transfers the caller to an outside extension.
Contact DSC today. to learn more about our IVR services and IVR application development software.
Cross-Selling and Upselling in a Do-Not-Call World
The following is an extract from the article "Contact Centers To Help Companies Compete" by Pam Baker from CRM Daily:
"In early October, the U.S. Supreme Court denied an appeal to invalidate the national Do Not Call regulations. Hefty fines -- up to $11,000 per phone call -- remain in force.
"Consumer privacy regulations are limiting marketing's ability to reach customers. Even worse, the overuse of direct mail, telemarketing and e-mail has led to declining response rates," John Ragsdale, vice president and research director at Forrester, told NewsFactor.
Final Curtain
In what was to become a series of court challenges following passage of the federal Do Not Call legislation, a court first ruled that the law unfairly discriminated against commercial speech. For a moment, many marketers were delighted. But then a Denver-based appeals court overturned that decision. Now, the Supreme Court has agreed.
The fat lady has sung; the final act is over. The question of how to market effectively in a land of diminished opportunity remains.
But marketers cannot blame the courts, the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission for all of their troubles.
"When markets become increasingly penetrated and competition intensifies, many marketers turn up the volume of marketing messages, which has led to a consumer backlash across all channels," Ragsdale notes.
Electronic Fix
Given the deluge of spam, the advent of spam blockers, and now the movement toward Sender ID, electronic answers do not seem to hold much promise. That is forcing marketers to refocus on a more traditional point of contact -- the customer-service center.
"Companies can turn a cost transaction into a sell transaction if agents can leverage the knowledge base to intelligently cross-sell and upsell the moment the customer makes contact," Mary Caulwels, senior product marketing manager of CRM at SAP , told NewsFactor. "It's permission-based selling."
SAP recently announced a new extension to mySAP CRM. SAP ERMS offers an added complement of capabilities in classification rule management, scalability and context, says Ragsdale.
CRM Vendor Shakeout
CRM vendors with ERP offerings would seem to be well positioned to add data-enriched e-mail processing, but many have been slow to press the advantage. The delay may cause a shakeout, leaving fewer vendors standing.
"CRM leaders either need to get serious about marketing and the need to integrate with predictive analytics , or give up their claims on analytic CRM," says Ragsdale...."
To view the entire article, visit www.crmdaily.com.