Online Customer Service
Auto Dialer Software
Automatic Dialer Solutions
CRM Software Solutions
Predictive Dialer Software
Autodialer Software
Phone Help Desk
Business Phone System
Automatic Phone Dialer
Customer Service Survey
Customer Support Software
Customer Service is vital to maintaining successful business relationships.
Providing accurate and timely information in a professional manner is the key to any call center operation. Our customer service software and phone system was built on this foundation. But the flexibility to change is just as important in this dynamic business environment. DSC call center software was designed with this concept from the very beginning. That is why call center managers, with unique and changing requirements, have chosen and continue to use our customer service software as their solution. And our contact management phone service is ideally suited for call center service bureaus. When you need to quickly implement a new program or change existing campaigns, our products are the customer service solutions of choice.
The following article relates to customer service techniques and suggestions, especially those articles relating to customer service by phone.
RUOK State Funding Providers
IVR Wizard Software Speeds IVR Development
DSC provides IVR software including our IVR wizard development tool for creating interactive voice response applications.
Our IVR software lets you increase ivr developer productivity by providing a visual development environment. IVR applications can be defined in minutes using this sophisticated, yet easy to use development tool.
DSC also has available a comprehensive IVR software library known as our IVR Wizard Software Development Kit. This optional package is available for programmers and systems adminstrators who wish to manage IVR programs from LINUX, Unix, or Windows operating environments.
Data collected by your phone ACD (Automatic Call Distribution) or IVR (Interactive Voice Response) systems can be passed to your existing PC, Unix or Web applications through our phone software.
The PACER predictive dialer can automatically call your customers and pass only connected calls to your agents. With our computer telephony software, your telephone and computer work together to provide cost-saving benefits.