Interactive Voice Response
Outbound Telemarketing Services
Message Service and Systems
Call Center Outsourcing Service
Text To Speech Software
Inbound Telemarketing
Automatic Opt Out IVR
Call Reasurance and RUOK Links
Welcome to EasyIVR, the IVR phone answering service and voice mail broadcasting center for Database Systems Corp. (DSC).
IVR refers to Interactive Voice Response - we provide both turnkey IVR systems and complete outsourcing phone services using our award winning IVR technology and facilities.
Our IVR software provides flexible results and minimal development. Using open technology, IVR solutions can access information anywhere on your network and over the web.
The following site map presents information from the easyivr.com website. Specifically, this sitemap lists the "Telephone Reassurance" pages describing the CARE and RUOK government service providers.
Database Systems Corp. provides emergency contact and alert services and systems that automatically call households checking on individuals to ensure their well-being. This service can re-dial the number several times and if there is no response, a message can be provided to a monitoring center informing them that a resident is not responding to this call or requires assistance. These government programs are effective and have helped residents who were unable to request assistance on their own when injured or stricken.
Providers Of Telephone Reassurance Services
Contact DSC to learn more about our IVR services and IVR software solutions.