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Call Reassurance Information
Call Reassurance Demo
CARE Editor Operation and Demo
Database Systems Corp. (DSC) provides an automated telephone reassurance calling program, CARE (Call Reassurance) that contacts homebound individuals ensuring their well-being.
The CARE system is composed of two programs. The CARE Editor manages call recipient information and the CARE Manager monitors the operation of the CARE phone system.
The following is a description and sample operation of the CARE Editor.
Contact DSC at (602) 265-5968 to learn more about our telephone reassurance calling program.
CARE Editor Demonstration
The CARE Editor allows the adminstrator to create and update CARE recipient information. The operation of the CARE Editor appears below:
CARE Editor Detail
1 - CARE Recipient Main Menu
New CARE recipients can be added or existing CARE recipient records can be found and updated by entering either a phone number of CARE recipient name. If multiples exist, they are displayed in the window below the search and the
administrator can select the appropriate member.
The following options are available to the administrator:
- Edit - After a CARE recipient has been selected, the CARE adminstrator can change the profile of the member.
- Clone - Likewise, after a CARE recipient has been selected, the CARE adminstrator can create a new profile with characteristics identical to this member.
- New - To create a new CARE recipient calling record, the CARE adminstrator simply clicks the "New" button.
The following screen will then appear:
2 - General CARE Recipient Information
The administrator is now able to add or update an existing CARE recipient. The following information can be input:
- Active - A CARE recipient membership can be either active or inactive. This lets the administrator temporarily suspend calling activity for this member
- Citizen - This is the CARE recipient information including name, phone number and address.
- Main Contact - This is the primary contact for the CARE recipient in the event of an emergency. Information includes name, phone number, address and relationship to the CARE recipient.
- Key Holder - This is the primary contact for entry into the home of the CARE recipient in the event of an emergency. Information includes name, phone number, address and relationship to the CARE recipient.
Emergency Contact Information - contact is made with these individuals in the event the CARE recipient does not respond. Up to THREE (3) emergency contacts can be entered.
- Printer? - A emergency alert report can be sent to the CARE system printer.
- Emergency Contact Phone - Phone number to reach emergency contact.
- Emergency Contact Email - Email Address to reach emergency contact.
Non Emergency Contact Information - contact is made with these individuals in the event the CARE recipient requests non emergency contact by pressing "5". Up to THREE (3) non emergency contacts can be entered.
- Printer? - A non emergency report can be sent to the CARE system printer.
- Non Emergency Contact Phone - Phone number to reach non emergency contact.
- Non Emergency Contact Email - Email Address to reach non emergency contact.
Other General Information
- Transfer Number - In the event the CARE recipient needs assistance and presses the emergency phone key "0", the following number is dialed by the CARE phone system and connected to the CARE recipient. The transfer call option will only work with Care Pro systems and only if the system was purchased with an upgraded telephony board.
- Specific Greeting - This is a wav file that is the specific greeting that the CARE recipient will receive each day.
- Random Greeting - This is directory of wav files that contains random greeting messages that the CARE recipient will receive each day.
- Opion Menu - This is an additional message that is played after the greeting. It generally contains options for the CARE recipient.
Once the Adminstrator has update the information on this screen, it can be permanently stored by pushing the "Save" button on the bottom of the screen. The Administrator can likewise delete an entry by pushing "Remove" or simply exit without updating the CARE recipient record by pushing "Cancel".
The CARE administrator can update the dates and times for this CARE recipient by pushing the "Set Time" button under the "Calling Schedule" portion of this window. To set the schedule, the following window appears:
3 - Calling Schedule
The systems administrator can check the days of the week for calling this CARE recipient as well as the specific time of day (per day).
- Selected Day Of Week - Specified days can be checked for which the CARE recipient is to receive a call.
- Selected Time - For selected days, a specific time can likewise be designated for the call. Calls are generally made within minutes of this specified time based upon how busy the CARE phone system is at this time.
The following window lets the CARE administrator designate custom message files or text that is delivered to the CARE recipients.
4 - Custom Messages For CARE Recipients
There are two types of messages that can be delivered to each CARE recipient as part of the CARE notification process:
- Recorded Message - This is a saved wav (format) file that contains the greeting message for this CARE recipient.
- Text Message - This is a saved text message that contains the greeting message for this CARE recipient. This text message is converted by our Text To Speech engine to a recorded message and played to the member.
To locate the recorded wav file, a "Browser" buttom is provided allowing the CARE administrator to search the CARE phone system directory for the stored message.
Additional CARE Information
Contact DSC today at (602) 265-5968 to learn more about our emergency and telephone reassurance calling services.