Voice Services
Call Services
Phone Services

Voice Directory
Voice Mail Services
Transcription Services
Voice Recording
Voice Recognition
Text To Voice
Voice Over Talent
VOIP Services

Voice Products
Call Center Outsourcing
Voice Mail Service
Voice Mail System
Voice Mail Software
Voice Messaging System
Voice Recording Systems
Voice Broadcast Systems
Text To Speech
VUI Voice User Interface
Voice Broadcasting Software
Voice Over Talent
Voice Service Provider - SmartDoc, Inc.
SmartDoc, Inc. provides voice services and products. It is not affiliated with Database Systems Corp.
About Database Systems Corp. (DSC) DSC provides call center technology and software. Our expertise is in the telecommunications and computer telephony arena. Our products include predictive dialers, IVR interactive voice response systems, ACD automatic call distribution, phone call recording and monitoring solutions, voice message broadcasting systems and http://www.voice-broadcasting-service.com">voice broadcast services.
Database has a comprehensive inbound and outbound call center that lets our clients outsource their phone applications without the added expense of equipment and phone lines.
The following organization provides voice services and telecommunications products. Information presented on this page was either provided by the company or found on the company's website. Database Systems Corp. does not endorse these services nor warrant the accuracy of this information. For current information, please visit the company's website listed below.
HOME / Resources / Voice Services
SmartDoc, Inc.
Every new client comes with special needs and desires. You want this and need that. And you don't need to explain yourself. Just tell the butler (that's us!) what you need and how you want it done . . . if you don't like the way it's cooked, send it back until it's right! Any questions?
Company Profile Information
Telephone: 1-888-762-7836
Website: www.smartdoc.com
Contact: info@smartdoc.com
Additional Company Information
For dial-in dictation, you simply call, enter your password and dictate. Press two to record, three to rewind--that kind of stuff. The voice files (which are recorded digitally) are then sent to our night-shift transcriptionists. The next afternoon, documents are proofread, lines counted and reports are delivered to your computer. These are e-mail attachments in Microsoft Word format (we'll get you started if you haven't done this before). Since you will have the report file delivered right to your computer, you can make those pesky little changes in the document and then print the report right up--and the report will stay forever on your computer to retrieve for reprints, etc.
Product Information
Contact Database to learn more about our voice products including our interactive voice response and voice broadcasting services.