Telephone Answering Service
Call Routing Systems
Auto Attendant Systems
Business Phone Services
Telemarketing Services Message Service
Call Center Outsourcing
Church Announcements
School Announcements
School Calling Service
School Announcements
IVRS Software
Inbound Outbound Telemarketing
Voice Mail Message
A professional phone answering system can improve the image of your service business and the timeliness and quality of your service. With business answering services from Database Systems Corp., we can answer your service calls with a consistent greeting and route the call to the appropriate service representative. In some cases, this may simply be to your dispatcher, but we can also route calls to your service providers as well.
Callers can leave messages after hours or be routed to an emergency dispatcher if necessary. Call logs are maintained as well as call recordings.
Calls can be automatically made by our system for periodic service or preventive maintenance. A message can be played to an individual or left on an answering machine. The homeowner could make selections from a menu or leave a message for your service department. If the homeowner needs to talk with your service department, the message can be programmed to allow a "Press 1...." option and the call will be transferred to one or more designated phone numbers. Here are a few examples of how our automated phone system can benefit your service organization.
Database Systems Corp. provides interactive voice response (IVR) services and Voice Broadcasting services to a wide variety of companies and organizations. EasyIVR.com is our primary website for this service division of DSC.
Household Service Applications
- Pest Control Service
- Carpet Cleaners
- Landscaping Service
- Answer Machine Messages
- Warranty and Repairs
- Preventive Maintenance
- AC and Heater Maintenance
- 24 x 7 Answering Service
- Roof Repairs
- Handyman Service
- Cleaning Services
- Multiple Call Attempts
The following companies and organizations utilize our voice broadcasting services or inbound call center answering services at our outsourcing facility.
These companies may also have purchased one or more call center products from DSC.
API is a home repair and remodeling contractor and referral service. Employs voice broadcasting services to contact homeowners for remodeling projects.
First Step Ltd.
First Step Ltd. is a direct marketing organization located in Butte, MT. First Step utilizes the Pacer phone system along with Telemation CRM software to perform predictive and forced preview dialing. This call center focuses on the direct marketing of a robust product line of household wares.
New Direction Workshops Inc
Located in Yuma, AZ, New Directions Workshops Inc is a direct marketing company that focuses on selling assorted household goods. The Pacer phone system along with Telemation CRM software is used to perform predictive and forced preview dialing for an 8-person call center.